of working in schools across South East London
5000+ Families
Over 5000 families reached
266+ Families
Aided with hardship support
Parenting course delivered since COVID19

About Us
Genesis Impact was founded by Foluke Akingbolagun as a youth club over 25 years ago. As a mother of 4 boys, she found a lack of youth clubs and activities to keep children off the streets in Greenwich and Bexley. We work in the most deprived areas in Greenwich and Bexley. Consequently, our beneficiaries have extremely high adult and child safeguarding needs.

In 2021 we launched our Acclivity programme, and 8-month membership programme run in partnership with MSCI.
1. To prepare high-achieving college and sixth-form students mentally, professionally and culturally for “life at the top”
2. Boost self-development by building connections with industry leaders
3. Develop hard-gained soft skills
4. Upskilling students to increase work readiness
Our Focus
We will continue to support families, youth and schools by delivering the following programmes:
• Hardship support
• Mental Health Clinic
• Youth Aspiration Programs (Acclivity)
• Parenting Programmes
• Bible Studies

Genesis has played a pivotal role in my life. Joining Genesis when I was still in primary school until I left college, I was able to learn key life lessons, values and gain lifetime friends. From there, I was introduced to stable families, examples of professional and relational success in my community and all this formed
the desire in me to succeed and the belief that I could do anything I wanted to, and that NOTHING could limit me. Today I feel proud to say I'm a doctor, and practice as a GP. I know that my foundation with Genesis was the best start I could have, despite not having the best home life, I was not left disadvantaged. I will forever be grateful to Aunty Foluke and the whole team of Genesis for their work in me!
Yvonne, GP & Former Service User

Our core aim is the Strengthen Communities. From our days as a youth club, we realised there are four essential factors required for children to thrive. The four factors to produce Happy Children are a Happy Home; a Community; Education; and a Future. We have developed this into our Happy Child Model, which succinctly communicates our approach to strengthening communities.

We develop the knowledge, skills, and holistic wellbeing of parents to support happy parents who will be empowered to raise happy children.

We build trust and awareness between local agencies and beneficiaries to ensure vulnerable families do not fall through the net.

We improve employment prospects and enterprise skills, to improve the economic standing of families and children.

We nurture the potential of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and ensure that no hurdle is too high
Our Impact
As a direct result of COVID-19, we have simultaneously witnessed a dramatic increase in the safeguarding needs of the families we already worked with and a significant increase in the number of families who are now "at-risk".
The areas of wellbeing that have been affected are mental, physical and economic. To support our parents we are running the following services
A Mental Health Clinic
A Dance Fitness Programme
Professional Pitching
Industry Mentoring
Hardship Support
1 on 1 Family